Troy Tulowitski

Image above: Troy Tulowitski.

Fenway Park, Boston

All-Time Player Fielding - Career

Best Ever Fielding Shortstop (1871-2020)


Rank Name First Career
Last Year
1 Smith Ozzie 1.6876 1996 2511 4249 8375 281 0.978 5.03
2 Ripken, Jr. Cal 1.6822 1997 2302 3651 6977 225 0.979 4.62
4 Allen Bob 1.6732 1900 604 1399 2169 330 0.915 5.91
4 Maranville Rabbit 1.6682 1931 2153 5139 7354 631 0.952 5.80
5 Jennings Hughie 1.6586 1907 899 2390 3147 470 0.922 6.16
6 Simmons Andrelton 1.6580 2020 1057 1582 3004 88 0.981 4.34
7 Miller Eddie 1.6572 1950 1395 2976 4500 217 0.972 5.36
8 Glasscock Jack 1.6561 1895 1628 2821 5630 832 0.910 5.19
9 Wight George 1.6556 1882 530 714 1878 395 0.868 4.89
10 Banks Ernie 1.6542 1961 1125 2087 3441 174 0.969 4.91
11 Aparicio Luis 1.6530 1973 2583 4548 8016 366 0.972 4.86
12 Mcmillan roy 1.6520 1966 2028 3705 6191 290 0.972 4.88
13 Tulowitzki Troy 1.6513 2019 1268 1946 3889 91 0.985 4.60
14 Story Trevor 1.6492 2020 595 797 1694 52 0.980 4.19
15 Fernandez Tony 1.6469 1997 1573 2708 4511 151 0.980 4.59
16 Davis George 1.6457 1908 1372 3231 4787 511 0.940 5.84
17 Bowa Larry 1.6449 1985 2222 3314 6857 211 0.980 4.58
18 Bell Jay 1.6348 2003 1515 2309 4595 176 0.975 4.56
19 Burleson Rick 1.6341 1986 1192 2151 3871 179 0.971 5.05
20 McBride George 1.6340 1920 1626 3585 5274 484 0.948 5.45

For more Top Career Fielders, including the Top 150 Fielders at each position, and the Top 10 Fielders at each position for every team, check out our book, Baseball's Best @ 150 (1871-2020), now available in paperback, ebook, and searchable PDF at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retailers.

Baseball's Best @ 150 Book

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    Who's Number One at Shortstop

    1. Ozzie Smith (1978-1996)

    And just how special was Ozzie Smith. Try a Range Factor after a nineteen year career that was Forty-Four Points Above League Average per Nine Innings, 5.22 to 4.78. Add in a Fielding Percentage 12 Points above his peers, .978 versus .966 and you've got the Best Fielding Shortstop in History.

Fielding Ratings in the Stat Geek Baseball PEVA system are meant to give a grade that relates to value for payroll purposes. A player with a low amount of innings played at a position may be rated lower for that purpose, but be a better defensive player. They would be rated higher in the PEVA/FV system with higher innings played, but their FV is lower due to lack of use.

Notes: Photo/Image Credits: Ernie Banks via Wikipedia Commons, Joon Han.

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Note: All Baseball Evaluation Stats and Stat Geek Baseball Stats were developed by JDP Econ & are the proprietary property of JDP ECON. All rights reserved. If Baseball Evaluation stats are used in articles, etc., please credit or

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