

Sports Website Advertising

What Can You Expect from Stat Geek Baseball

    Advertise with and reach our visitors who are interested in baseball and sports. Although our transition to the statgeekbaseball site is recent, we're reaching your target audience with our range of yearly ratings pages and best ever lists. Pick a page to advertise on. Support your favorite player or team with a specified ad just for you or your company. And we're easy to work with, within budget constraints.


We believe in making advertising available for a variety of budgets, for start up organizations to the experienced well-healed company. Just send us an email with the page you'd like to advertise on, your company and advertising wants, budget limitations, and we'll work with you within your budget to provide a solution for you. We've worked with many companies in the past, from large to small, and look forward to working with you on your advertising needs.

Our Customer Reach

The transition to is brand new as of May 2015, with a Mobile Friendly website that Google has been hankering for and will be accessible everywhere on smart phones and tablets. But we've been around a bit on our original site,, nearly eight years and customers will be automatically directed from there as we add more customers and features. We think the rebranding will help both of us with a brighter, more fun approach to these new stats that baseball fans will appreciate and search for, even while they're at a baseball game.



To be part of the Sponsor This Page program, where your ad will replace the generic ad currently on the page with your own, send a copy of your ad, text or image, with the page you want to sponsor to


Please remove the REMOVE word in the email address. Once we see your ad and approve the copy, we'll email you back with an invoice to pay through Paypal to the same address. Once payment is received, we will insert your ad. The arrangement will be for one year from the date of purchase.

Other Stat Geek Pages and Ads

Yearly - $50 per link/banner to $500 per link/banner, depending on the page. But Let Us Know What You're Thinking. If it's an advertisement we're okay with, we'll make it work for you.

To Advertise, Contact Jeff Peterman
Advertising Coordinator

As above, please remove the word REMOVE from the email address. Sorry for the inconvenience, spam robots working overtime.

More About Us

Advertise on America's Best History

If you're seeking an advertisement in the education, history, or heritage tourism field, check out our partners at Nearly one million pages hits per year and a great place to place advertising for the student market, education industry, national park or historic site markets.

Baseball Stat Books

  • Baseball History
  • Baseball's Best @ 150 Book

    The newest book from Stat Geek Baseball at the 150th Anniversary of the Major Leagues (1871-2020) with more rankings than ever, Top 500 batters, Top 250 Pitchers, Top 150 Fielders at every position, plus Best Ever Ranks and more for all of your favorite franchises.

  • Fields of Gold, Baseball's Best Glove Work
  • Fields of Gold, Baseball's Best Glove Work

    The newest book in the Stat Geek Baseball universe. Fields of Gold, Baseball's Best Glove Work. It's what the Best Ever Book was for hitting and pitching, but now a detailed look at the Best Fielders in Baseball History, including best position players for every team, and best overall for every position