• Stat Geek Baseball

Cy Young

Image above: Cy Young.

Shibe Park

PEVA Player Ratings

Top 20 Pitchers


Rank Year Name First Team Lg W SV IP ERA PEVA
1 1900 McGinnity Joe BRO NL 28 0 343.0 2.94 23.606
2 1900 Young Cy SLN NL 19 0 321.3 3.00 21.483
3 1900 Dineen Bill BSN NL 20 0 320.7 3.12 19.614
4 1900 Phillippe Deacon PIT NL 20 0 279.0 2.84 17.192
5 1900 Carrick Bill NY1 NL 19 0 341.7 3.53 13.387
6 1900 Hahn Noodles CIN NL 16 0 311.3 3.27 13.382
7 1900 Leever Sam PIT NL 15 0 232.7 2.71 13.132
8 1900 Garvin Ned CHN NL 10 0 246.3 2.41 11.282
9 1900 Hawley Pink NY1 NL 18 0 329.3 3.53 11.274
10 1900 Tannehill Jesse PIT NL 20 0 234.0 2.88 11.209
11 1900 Waddell Rube PIT NL 8 0 208.7 2.37 9.662
12 1900 Griffith Clark CHN NL 14 0 248.0 3.05 8.718
13 1900 Nichols Kid BSN NL 13 0 231.3 3.07 8.575
14 1900 Kennedy Brickyard BRO NL 20 0 292.0 3.91 7.602
15 1900 Scott Ed CIN NL 17 1 315.0 3.86 7.429
16 1900 Jones Cowboy SLN NL 13 0 292.7 3.57 7.043
17 1900 Powell Jack SLN NL 17 0 287.7 4.44 6.786
18 1900 Taylor Jack CHN NL 10 1 222.3 2.55 6.638
19 1900 Callahan Nixey CHN NL 13 0 285.3 3.82 4.974
20 1900 Kitson Frank BRO NL 15 4 253.3 4.19 4.856

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    All Pitchers 1900 - PEVA Values (Alphabetical)

    Year    Last    First    Team    PEVA

    1900    Bailey    Harvey    BSN    0.200
    1900    Bernhard    Bill    PHI    3.322
    1900    Breitenstein    Ted    CIN    1.840
    1900    Callahan    Nixey    CHN    4.974
    1900    Carrick    Bill    NY1    13.387
    1900    Chambers    Rome    BSN    0.200
    1900    Chesbro    Jack    PIT    3.275
    1900    Cogan    Dick    NY1    0.200
    1900    Conn    Bert    PHI    0.200
    1900    Cunningham    Bert    CHN    0.686
    1900    Cuppy    Nig    BSN    2.663
    1900    Dineen    Bill    BSN    19.614
    1900    Doheny    Ed    NY1    0.906
    1900    Donahue    Red    PHI    3.784
    1900    Donovan    Bill    BRO    0.650
    1900    Dunn    Jack    MULT    0.873
    1900    Eason    Mal    CHN    0.200
    1900    Flaherty    Patsy    PIT    0.200
    1900    Fraser    Chick    PHI    4.804
    1900    Garvin    Ned    CHN    11.282
    1900    Griffith    Clark    CHN    8.718
    1900    Hahn    Noodles    CIN    13.382
    1900    Harper    Jack    SLN    0.200
    1900    Harvey    Zaza    CHN    0.200
    1900    Hawley    Pink    NY1    11.274
    1900    Howell    Harry    BRO    0.826
    1900    Hughey    Jim    SLN    0.663
    1900    Hughes    Tom    CHN    0.200
    1900    Husting    Bert    PIT    0.200
    1900    Jones    Cowboy    SLN    7.043
    1900    Kennedy    Brickyard    BRO    7.602
    1900    Killen    Frank    CHN    0.578
    1900    Kitson    Frank    BRO    4.856
    1900    Leever    Sam    PIT    13.132
    1900    Lewis    Ted    BSN    2.257

    1900    Mathewson    Christy    NY1    0.398
    1900    Maul    Al    PHI    0.551
    1900    McCreery    Tom    PIT    0.200
    1900    McGinnity    Joe    BRO    23.606
    1900    McLaughlin    Warren    PHI    0.200
    1900    Meekin    Jouett    PIT    0.200
    1900    Menefee    Jock    CHN    1.039
    1900    Mercer    Win    NY1    3.403

    1900    Newton    Doc    CIN    2.497
    1900    Nichols    Kid    BSN    8.575
    1900    Nops    Jerry    BRO    0.898
    1900    Orth    Al    PHI    4.826
    1900    Phillips    Bill    CIN    1.804
    1900    Phillippe    Deacon    PIT    17.192
    1900    Piatt    Wiley    PHI    1.060
    1900    Pittinger    Togie    BSN    0.619
    1900    Poole    Ed    PIT    0.200
    1900    Powell    Jack    SLN    6.786
    1900    Scott    Ed    CIN    7.429
    1900    Seymour    Cy    NY1    0.477
    1900    Stimmel    Archie    CIN    0.200
    1900    Sudhoff    Willie    SLN    2.230
    1900    Tannehill    Jesse    PIT    11.209
    1900    Taylor    Dummy    NY1    2.372
    1900    Taylor    Jack    CHN    6.638
    1900    Thomas    Roy    PHI    0.200
    1900    Thomas    Tom    SLN    0.578
    1900    Van Haltren    George    NY1    0.200
    1900    Waddell    Rube    PIT    9.662
    1900    Wagner    Honus    PIT    0.200
    1900    Weyhing    Gus    MULT    0.520
    1900    Willis    Vic    BSN    2.732
    1900    Woods    Walt    PIT    0.200
    1900    Yeager    Joe    BRO    0.200
    1900    Young    Cy    SLN    21.483

Note: HR/RBI/OBP/SLG/FV (Field Value) for Position Players, W/SV/IP/ERA for Pitchers. Note: Maximum PEVA of 32.000 for Salary Purposes shown above. Using Final Park Factors.

What is PEVA?

PEVA is the acronym for Stat Geek Baseball's New Player Rating value. This grade is given to each player and pitcher each season, rating their performance on a peer to peer review. Six components for pitchers and batters are melded together into the PEVA Rating, which ranges each year from 0.200 to 64.000. For more information on PEVA and the other new Stat Geek Baseball Stats, see our Definitions page. PEVA ratings are available for every pitcher and hitter in baseball history.

PEVA Scale

64.000 - Maximum
32.000 - Cy Young/MVP Candidate
20.000 - All League
15.000 - All-Star Level
10.000 - Very Good
3.500 - Average
0.200 - Minimum

Notes: Photo/Image Credits: Cy Young, Cy Seymour, Kid Nichols, Shibe Park; Library of Congress

Baseball Evaluation, Stat Geek Baseball, and all materials on this site are the 2015 Copyright and intellectual property of JDP ECON and their licensors. All worldwide rights reserved. The Baseball Evaluation system was developed independently of Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association and is not endorsed by or associated in any way with either organization.

Note: All Baseball Evaluation Stats and Stat Geek Baseball Stats were developed by JDP Econ & are the proprietary property of JDP ECON. All rights reserved. If Baseball Evaluation stats are used in articles, etc., please credit statgeekbaseball.com or baseballevaluation.com.

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