Jack Glasscock

Image above: Jack Glasscock played for the St. Louis Maroons from 1885-1886. Courtesy Library of Congress.

Schibe Park

Best Seasons Ever

1871-Current (Regular Season). Batting and Pitching.

St. Louis Red Stockings (NA) 1875, St. Louis Brown Stockings (NA) 1875, St. Louis Brown Stockings (NL) 1876-1877, St. Louis Maroons (UA) 1884 (NL) 1885-1886, St. Louis Terriers (FL) 1914-1915.


St. Louis Red Stockings
Rank Last Name First Year Team Lg HR RBI Ave. Age PEVA
1 Morgan Pidgey 1875 SL1 NA 0 1 0.261 22 1.023
2 Hautz Charlie 1875 SL1 NA 0 4 0.301 23 1.022
3 Redmon Billy 1875 SL1 NA 0 1 0.195 NA 0.365
4 Croft Art 1875 SL1 NA 0 2 0.200 20 0.228
5 McSorley Trick 1875 SL1 NA 0 2 0.212 23 0.221
St. Louis Brown Stockings (NA)
1 Pike Lip 1875 SL2 NA 0 44 0.346 30 23.989
2 Pearce Dickey 1875 SL2 NA 0 29 0.248 39 7.012
3 Cuthbert Ned 1875 SL2 NA 0 17 0.245 30 6.283
4 Battin Joe 1875 SL2 NA 0 33 0.250 24 4.445
5 Dehlman Herman 1875 SL2 NA 0 14 0.224 23 4.138
St. Louis Brown Stockings (NL)
1 Clapp John 1877 SL3 NL 0 34 0.318 26 19.615
2 Pike Lip 1876 SL3 NL 1 50 0.323 31 17.351
3 Clapp John 1876 SL3 NL 0 29 0.305 25 13.420
4 Dorgan Mike 1877 SL3 NL 0 23 0.308 24 13.349
5 Battin Joe 1876 SL3 NL 0 46 0.300 25 10.703
St. Louis Maroons
1 Dunlap Fred 1884 SLU UA 13 NA 0.412 25 37.571
2 Shaffer Orator 1884 SLU UA 2 NA 0.360 33 23.763
3 Glasscock Jack 1886 SL5 NL 3 40 0.325 29 16.318
4 Glasscock Jack 1885 SL5 NL 1 40 0.280 28 12.849
5 Rowe Dave 1884 SLU UA 4 NA 0.293 30 11.370
6 Gleason Jack 1884 SLU UA 4 NA 0.324 30 10.214
St. Louis Terriers
1 Tobin Jack 1915 SLF FL 6 51 0.294 23 15.463
2 Borton Babe 1915 SLF FL 3 83 0.286 27 15.217
3 Miller Ward 1915 SLF FL 1 63 0.306 31 14.797
4 Johnson Ernie 1915 SLF FL 7 67 0.240 27 8.859
5 Miller Ward 1914 SLF FL 4 50 0.294 30 8.829

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St. Louis Red Stockings
Rank Last Name First Year Team Lg W L SV IP ERA Age PEVA
1 Morgan Pidgey 1875 SL1 NA 1 3 0 42.0 3.43 22 1.981
2 Blong Joe 1875 SL1 NA 3 12 0 129.0 3.35 22 1.374
St. Louis Brown Stockings (NA)
1 Bradley George 1875 SL2 NA 33 26 0 535.7 2.05 23 11.903
2 Galvin Pud 1875 SL2 NA 4 2 1 62.0 2.18 19 2.934
3 Fleet Frank 1875 SL2 NA 2 1 0 27.0 2.33 27 0.657
4 Pearce Dickey 1875 SL2 NA 0 0 0 5.3 3.38 39 0.200
St. Louis Brown Stockings (NL)
1 Bradley George 1876 SL3 NL 45 19 0 573.0 1.23 24 36.677
2 Nichols Tricky 1877 SL3 NL 18 23 0 350.0 2.60 27 4.735
3 Blong Joe 1877 SL3 NL 10 9 0 187.3 2.74 24 1.578
4 Blong Joe 1876 SL3 NL 0 0 0 4.0 0.00 23 0.200
5 Battin Joe 1877 SL3 NL 0 0 0 3.7 4.91 26 0.200
St. Louis Maroons
1 Sweeney Charlie 1884 SLU UA 24 7 0 271.0 1.83 21 27.423
2 Taylor Billy 1884 SLU UA 25 4 4 263.0 1.68 29 16.180
3 Boyle Henry 1884 SLU UA 15 3 1 150.0 1.74 24 6.366
4 Healy John 1886 SL5 NL 17 23 0 353.7 2.88 20 4.808
5 Boyle Henry 1886 SL5 NL 9 15 0 210.0 1.76 26 4.806
St. Louis Terriers
1 Davenport Dave 1915 SLF FL 22 18 1 392.7 2.20 25 21.910
2 Plank Eddie 1915 SLF FL 21 11 3 268.3 2.08 40 16.422
3 Crandall Doc 1915 SLF FL 21 15 1 312.7 2.59 28 8.983
4 Groom Bob 1914 SLF FL 13 20 1 280.7 3.24 30 4.791
5 Watson Doc 1914 SLF FL 3 4 0 56.0 1.93 28 4.762
  • What is PEVA?

    PEVA is the acronym for Stat Geek Baseball's New Player Rating value. This grade is given to each player and pitcher each season, rating their performance on a peer to peer review. Six components for pitchers and batters are melded together into the PEVA Rating, which ranges each year from 0.200 to 64.000. For more information on PEVA and the other new Stat Geek Baseball Stats, see our Definitions page. PEVA ratings are available for every pitcher and hitter in baseball history.

    PEVA Scale

    64.000 - Maximum
    32.000 - Cy Young/MVP Candidate
    20.000 - All League
    15.000 - All-Star Level
    10.000 - Very Good
    3.500 - Average
    0.200 - Minimum

Notes: AA = American Association, PCL = Pacific Coast League, FL = Federal League, NA = National Association, PL = Player's League, UA = Union Association, NL = National League, AL = American League. Player PEVA for player with Multiple Teams in one season have been adjusted by percentage of use.

Photo/Image Credits: Baseball painting, Walter Johnson, Grover Cleveland Alexander, Ty Cobb, and Christy Mathewson. Library of Congress.

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Note: All Baseball Evaluation Stats and Stat Geek Baseball Stats were developed by JDP Econ & are the proprietary property of JDP ECON. All rights reserved. If Baseball Evaluation stats are used in articles, etc., please credit

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