Best Pitchers of All-Time - Career (Regular Season)
1871-2014. Sorted by Total PEVA Per EQ Year.
Pitchers 1-20 Per Year
Go to Batters (1-20)
Rank | First | Last Name | HOF Status |
PEVA-P Career |
Career Wins |
Loss |
Saves |
1 | Greg | Maddux | HOFP | 594.209 | 22.15 | 26.827 | 355 | 227 | 0 | 3.16 |
2 | Al | Spalding | HOFPE | 167.275 | 7.00* | 23.896 | 253 | 65 | 11 | 2.14 |
3 | Walter | Johnson | HOFP | 479.881 | 20.31 | 23.628 | 417 | 279 | 34 | 2.17 |
4 | Cy | Young | HOFP | 504.145 | 21.79 | 23.137 | 511 | 316 | 17 | 2.63 |
5 | Amos | Rusie | HOFP | 208.983 | 9.15 | 22.840 | 245 | 174 | 5 | 3.07 |
6 | Pedro | Martinez | 328.493 | 14.71 | 22.634 | 219 | 100 | 3 | 2.93 | |
7 | Kid | Nichols | HOFP | 315.802 | 14.09 | 22.429 | 361 | 208 | 17 | 2.95 |
8 | Ed | Walsh | HOFP | 213.766 | 9.77 | 21.880 | 195 | 126 | 34 | 1.82 |
9 | Randy | Johnson | HOFP | 408.708 | 19.16 | 21.622 | 303 | 166 | 2 | 3.29 |
10 | Dizzy | Dean | HOFP | 162.809 | 7.54 | 21.593 | 150 | 83 | 30 | 3.02 |
11 | Roger | Clemens | 487.448 | 22.70 | 21.473 | 354 | 184 | 0 | 3.12 | |
12 | Pete | Alexander | HOFP | 386.297 | 18.24 | 21.179 | 373 | 208 | 32 | 2.56 |
13 | Lefty | Grove | HOFP | 342.625 | 16.54 | 20.715 | 300 | 141 | 55 | 3.06 |
14 | Sandy | Koufax | HOFP | 206.787 | 10.34 | 19.999 | 165 | 87 | 9 | 2.76 |
15 | Carl | Hubbell | HOFP | 301.955 | 15.20 | 19.865 | 253 | 154 | 33 | 2.98 |
16 | Warren | Spahn | HOFP | 370.496 | 19.90 | 18.618 | 363 | 245 | 29 | 3.09 |
17 | Christy | Mathewson | HOFP | 290.943 | 15.70 | 18.531 | 373 | 188 | 28 | 2.13 |
18 | Joe | McGinnity | HOFP | 175.944 | 10.00 | 17.594 | 246 | 142 | 24 | 2.66 |
19 | Don | Drysdale | HOFP | 228.992 | 13.02 | 17.588 | 209 | 166 | 6 | 2.95 |
20 | John | Clarkson | HOFP | 194.134 | 11.28 | 17.210 | 328 | 178 | 5 | 2.81 |
Top 5 Current Players (Thru 2013)
Rank | First Name | Last Name | HOF Status |
PEVA-P Career |
Career Wins |
Loss |
Saves |
1 | Clayton | Kershaw | 171.671 | 6.66 | 25.776 | 98 | 49 | 0 | 2.48 | |
2 | Roy | Halladay | 304.746 | 13.10 | 23.263 | 203 | 105 | 1 | 3.38 | |
3 | Justin | Verlander | 180.011 | 8.07 | 22.306 | 137 | 77 | 0 | 3.41 | |
4 | Cliff | Lee | 193.842 | 9.99 | 19.404 | 139 | 86 | 0 | 3.51 | |
5 | Adam | Wainwright | 130.968 | 6.85 | 19.119 | 99 | 57 | 3 | 3.11 |
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Want more detail, check out the Stat Geek Baseball, the Best Ever Book excerpts by clicking any of the Top Five players.
Notes: Photo Credits: Walter Johnson, Grover Cleveland Alexander, and Christy Mathewson. Library of Congress.
HOF/HOFP - Hall of Fame player. PEVA - Player Rating for Season or Career. PEVA per Year - Average Player Rating per season. Peva Per EQ Year - PEVA per Equivalent, Full Season, Year. Seasons include all seasons played with no minimum.
Baseball Evaluation and all materials on this site are the 2015 Copyright and intellectual property of JDP ECON and their licensors. All worldwide rights reserved. The Baseball Evaluation system was developed independently of Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association and is not endorsed by or associated in any way with either organization.
Note: All Baseball Evaluation Stats were developed by JDP Econ & are the proprietary property of JDP ECON. All rights reserved. If Baseball Evaluation stats are used in articles, etc., please credit statgeekbaseball.com or baseballevaluation.com.
What is PEVA?
PEVA is the acronym for Stat Geek Baseball's New Player Rating value. This grade is given to each player and pitcher each season, rating their performance on a peer to peer review. Six components for pitchers and batters are melded together into the PEVA Rating, which ranges each year from 0.200 to 64.000. For more information on PEVA and the other new Stat Geek Baseball Stats, see our Definitions page. PEVA ratings are available for every pitcher and hitter in baseball history.
PEVA Scale
64.000 - Maximum
32.000 - Cy Young/MVP Candidate
20.000 - All League
15.000 - All-Star Level
10.000 - Very Good
3.500 - Average
0.200 - Minimum
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