Giancarlo Stanton

Image above: Giancarlo Stanton. Right: First pitch at Marlins Park in 2012.

Marlins Park

Best Seasons Ever

1871-2020 (Regular Season)
Batting and Pitching. Previous Name: Florida Marlins.


Rank Last Name First Year Team Lg HR RBI Ave. Age PEVA
1 Stanton Giancarlo 2017 MIA NL 59 132 0.281 27 37.866
2 Sheffield Gary 1996 FLO NL 42 120 0.314 28 32.618
3 Cabrera Miguel 2006 FLO NL 26 114 0.339 23 32.126
4 Stanton Giancarlo 2014 MIA NL 37 105 0.288 24 27.604
5 Ozuna Marcell 2017 MIA NL 37 124 0.312 27 26.942
6 Cabrera Miguel 2005 FLO NL 33 116 0.323 22 23.720
7 Ramirez Hanley 2009 FLO NL 24 106 0.342 26 23.588
8 Cabrera Miguel 2007 FLO NL 34 119 0.320 24 22.708
9 Delgado Carlos 2005 FLO NL 33 115 0.301 33 21.013
10 Ramirez Hanley 2008 FLO NL 33 67 0.301 25 20.938
11 Ramirez Hanley 2007 FLO NL 29 81 0.332 24 19.908
12 Yelich Christian 2017 MIA NL 18 81 0.282 26 17.376
13 Uggla Dan 2010 FLO NL 33 105 0.287 30 16.698
14 Yelich Christian 2016 MIA NL 21 98 0.298 25 16.451
15 Floyd Cliff 2001 FLO NL 31 103 0.317 29 16.222
16 Stanton Mike 2011 FLO NL 34 87 0.262 21 15.379
17 Cabrera Miguel 2004 FLO NL 33 112 0.294 21 14.825
18 Rodriguez Ivan 2003 FLO NL 16 85 0.297 32 14.811
19 Alou Moises 1997 FLO NL 23 115 0.292 31 14.645
20 Lowell Mike 2004 FLO NL 27 85 0.293 30 14.639

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Rank Last Name First Year Team Lg W L SV IP ERA Age PEVA
1 Brown Kevin 1996 FLO NL 17 11 0 233.0 1.89 31 40.004
2 Willis Dontrelle 2005 FLO NL 22 10 0 236.3 2.63 23 30.817
3 Brown Kevin 1997 FLO NL 16 8 0 237.3 2.69 32 22.694
4 Johnson Josh 2009 FLO NL 15 5 0 209.0 3.23 25 21.840
5 Johnson Josh 2010 FLO NL 11 8 0 183.7 2.30 26 21.819
6 Fernandez Jose 2016 MIA NL 16 8 0 182.3 2.86 24 20.464
7 Fernandez Jose 2013 MIA NL 12 6 0 172.7 2.19 21 19.798
8 Pavano Carl 2004 FLO NL 18 8 0 222.3 3.00 28 19.631
9 Nolasco Ricky 2008 FLO NL 15 8 0 212.3 3.52 26 19.070
10 Harvey Bryan 1993 FLO NL 1 5 45 69.0 1.70 30 16.133
11 Nen Robb 1996 FLO NL 5 1 35 83.0 1.95 27 15.924
12 Leiter Al 1996 FLO NL 16 12 0 215.3 2.93 31 15.083
13 Willis Dontrelle 2006 FLO NL 12 12 0 223.3 3.87 24 14.550
14 Fernandez Alex 1997 FLO NL 17 12 0 220.7 3.59 28 14.499
15 Jones Todd 2005 FLO NL 1 5 40 73.0 2.10 37 14.477
16 Dempster Ryan 2000 FLO NL 14 10 0 226.3 3.66 23 14.130
17 Benitez Armando 2004 FLO NL 2 2 47 69.7 1.29 32 13.658
18 Penny Brad 2001 FLO NL 10 10 0 205.0 3.69 23 12.356
19 Burnett A.J. 2005 FLO NL 12 12 0 209.0 3.44 28 12.274
20 Sanchez Anibal 2010 FLO NL 13 12 0 195.0 3.55 26 12.197

Best Careers - Miami

  • What is PEVA?

    PEVA is the acronym for Stat Geek Baseball's New Player Rating value. This grade is given to each player and pitcher each season, rating their performance on a peer to peer review. Six components for pitchers and batters are melded together into the PEVA Rating, which ranges each year from 0.200 to 64.000. For more information on PEVA and the other new Stat Geek Baseball Stats, see our Definitions page. PEVA ratings are available for every pitcher and hitter in baseball history.

    PEVA Scale

    64.000 - Maximum
    32.000 - Cy Young/MVP Candidate
    20.000 - All League
    15.000 - All-Star Level
    10.000 - Very Good
    3.500 - Average
    0.200 - Minimum

Notes: Photo/Image Credits: Giancarlo Stanton, Marlins, Park, Miguel Cabrera, Kevin Brown; Wikipedia Commons.

Note: Note: Age represents Age at the end of the calendar year. Top 20 Players (up to) above 10.000 PEVA-B or PEVA-P.

Baseball Evaluation, Stat Geek Baseball, and all materials on this site are the 2016 Copyright and intellectual property of JDP ECON and their licensors. All worldwide rights reserved. The Baseball Evaluation system was developed independently of Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association and is not endorsed by or associated in any way with either organization.

Note: All Baseball Evaluation Stats and Stat Geek Baseball Stats were developed by JDP Econ & are the proprietary property of JDP ECON. All rights reserved. If Baseball Evaluation stats are used in articles, etc., please credit or

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